You get what you pay for... QUALITY and SERVICE!

 I ran across two videos today...  about Packaging Flowers... and I know that many times people shop PRICE First... and then are disappointed when the Product doesn't stand up!This goes for all types of products...  But Especially Flowers! Flowers are a Perishable product... they are delicate and fragile... they need proper care and handling... long before they become an Artistic Creation in the Flower Designers Hands!China was featured in Floriculture International about being an up and coming Force in the Flower Industry... for growing at affordable prices... but the product still needs to be shipped to the final destination.... Watch this... (it's shocking!)...there's alot of training that needs to be done in China with Packaging of Fragile Flowers!!!!And then watch the Experts at Florabundance in Carpinteria CA... as they expertly pack a box... with care, education, and expertise! This is the Quality and Service we expect as Flower Professionals... it's more than a commodity! It's FLOWERS!!!You get what you pay for... Especially when it comes to QUALITY and SERVICE!


Industry Insider Interview...Christine Martindale, CEO of Esprit Miami


Making Life Easier... for Valentines Day!