Flowers are meant for sharing... Farewell to Lisa; uBloom Community Gardener!

uBloom is like any Garden… there are certain flowers that are robust and grow tall, like sunflowers… there are others that might grow in clumps along the edge providing a border… Marigolds or Petunias, still others provide fragrant or colorful blossoms that can be picked and added to arrangements or even shared… carried away to brighten the day of others miles away…uBloom is like that…and our people are the “Flowers” in our Community Garden. We are always gathering new ‘flowers’ for our garden, seeing how a ‘flower’ begins to blossom, or how another changes with the seasons… and sometimes we allow a flower to be “picked” or “carried away to brighten other corners of the world”…Today… it is with equal amounts of joy and sadness… that we announce the departure of our uBloom Community Gardener Lisa Luck! Lisa has been a part of uBloom since the very beginning … Nurturing and Caring for our Community of Flower Lovers… sharing her thoughts, ideas, and “gardening spirit” at and throughout our Social Media touch points… everyone at uBloom has benefited from this amazing “flower”… that has been a part of our Community Garden!Lisa is an amazing writer and her interviews and articles have been a joy to thousands of uBloomer around the globe… her helpful encouragement and kind words have inspired many… and she’s our Wonderful Flower Friend. Lisa has decided to pursue other “gardens” and get back to writing again… indeed it is a time for all of us at uBloom to share this Wonderful Flower with the world…Lisa… you have helped so many grow… encouraged so many blossoms… and helped us to be better at adding Flowers to our Lives… You will be sorely missed at uBloom… however we know that Flowers are meant for sharing… What a wonderful Treat is in store… for the “vase” that will hold this very special “Flower”!

Allow me to quote the amazing Geogia O’Keefe …”Nobody sees a flower -- really -- it is so small it takes time -- we haven't time -- and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.”… Thank you Lisa for taking the time to see the Flowers with all of us… and for being a Wonderful Friend!Please feel free to leave your comments and wishes to our Community Gardener Lisa Luck… our very First uBloom Community Gardener! Lisa will be departing uBloom August 16, 2013… to pursue other exciting adventures in the World of Flowers!!


Photo Friday! J is BOXING...Well, sort of!


A Visit with Jennifer and Joe... Alpha Fern Company!