Dahlia Days- At Corso Zundert!

Dragon Float Wins Corso Zundert!PrintThe Annual Corso Zundert... an iconic parade in the Netherlands featuring the main export of the country: Flowers!Over 20 teams compete to create extravagant floats created of Flowers - Mostly Dahlias! Since Dahlias need to bloom... and the tubors are then dug and sold following the blooms... this tradition evolved from the 'deadheading' of millions of plants... and rather than the let the flower go to waste...The Parade evolved! Click here to view a complete listing of the floats- complete with photos and the awards they recieved!Read more about the Parade... see exclusive photos... and watch a complete video of the parade... click here!This is on my bucket list... it's even more incredible than the tournament of roses parade... WOW!!!


Terrariums- Shrink yourself down!


A Million Flowers- Haute Couture -HOW TO Video!