EASY Dozen Roses (7-4-1 & you’re done!) - Flowers 101

This simple mechanic will result in a beautiful dozen roses every time...and it makes no difference if you are cutting the roses Short or Long. In this video, I use the technique with a short frosted vase and no foliage for the popular mounded looks.When it comes to LONG Stem roses, the technique is the same. I start with a Fabulous Foliage Bouquet from FernTrust...I love the Green Bouquet! Cut and drop the Green Bouquet into the vase and then add 7 shorter stemmed Roses on the first level. Then place 4 longer roses in the center of the 7 and finally, 1 longest in the center of the 4!This technique allows ANYONE to create a Stunning Dozen roses...and it’s Easy and Fast. That’s why I call it the EASY Dozen... simply put...7-4-1 and you’re Done!


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