Ms Margo - Hand Crafted Organic Soaps

Ms Margo is excited about her hand-made Flower Crown- during her visit to Life In BloomYou've met my Amazing Friend Ms. Margo ( in Episode #209- Pets and Flowers- where she gave a Bone Reading to Eleanor and Ladybird- (and check out our BEHIND THE BLOOM with Ms Margo- as she reads our Director Chris- through the flowers he selected for an arrangement here!) I asked Ms. Margo to join me for this hearts and flowers episode- because - frankly- Ms Margo does my heart good- she is a positive force- and uses here spiritual powers not only for readings but also to hand craft soaps-that not only cleanse our bodies- but can cleanse our spirits - and add to our health and wellness.My friend Ms Margo- the Bone Reader- shares her hand crafted soaps- that cleanse both body and spirit!Watch Ms. Margo's visit to Life in Bloom with her Soaps here- in Episode #302- Hearts and Flowers!I learned about Ms. Margo's soap when I visited her at the Pow-Wow- that is held here in Grand Rapids - where Ms Margo has a booth- the Pow-Wow- is a Native American Event- that has become a tradition in my home town... where Native Americans come together to share many Native American Traditions- including a drum circle, specialty foods, hand crafted jewelry, arts and of course Ms. Margo- with her Bone Reading Talents- and also her amazing Soaps and hand crafted dream caters and Native American Art- she offers in her Spirit Room- and at local events!Ms. Margo's Organic Goat Milk Soap - with spiritual cleansing properties! Soaps are created with Organic specialized recipes- for healing both body and spirit- with many ingredients that Ms Margo grows in her in her own garden. In this episode she shares some photos of her spiritual ingredients and the abilities they have. One of the favorites are the soaps that include Sacred Sage. I featured Sage in Episode #303 Beauty from the Flower Farm- where I shared how to make Sage crisps, created a Sage Stick for cleansing our homes- and also as foliage in an arrangement. Some people have situations where they can't "smudge"- (IE- burn sage to cleanse the area)... so Ms. Margo created a soap (Sacred Sage)  that you can use to wash your hands, bathe or shower- to provide the same spiritual cleansing.... Amazing and ORGANIC!Washing our hands has become an important -frequent- many times a day- ritual for so many - and I found out quickly that all that hand washing can be detrimental to the skin on my hands... HOWEVER- not with Ms. Margo's Organic Soaps- they are crafted with goats milk and specific Organic (and Spiritual) ingredients that have allowed me to wash my hands many many times a day - without chapping... PERIOD! It's amazing- as Margo states in this show- "I create the soap with NO CHEMICAL- like Lye- and use only natural Organic materials that are suitable for constant use".Hand Crafted Soaps from Ms. Margo the Bone Reader- I love them!!!I was so excited about having Margo and her soap on this show- that I treated the entire crew - to "Margo Soap" following the filming- so everyone could enjoy her amazing hand crafted soap. I have many favorites...Tall Teepee,  Calming Spirit, Dream-Catch-Her, Inner Peace, Pow-Wow- She's Beautiful- They truly are INCREDIBLE - You can order Ms. Margo soaps by visiting her website- - where you can see all the Varieties and the instructions for Ordering!I crafted Ms. Margo's Flower Crown with some of the Herbs and Flowers that she uses in her soaps! I love these soaps- and they have certainly made believers of Kelly and myself- we wash our hands constantly- and at every sink- there are Ms. Margo Soaps! I hope you enjoy this visit with my friend Ms. Margo- and might choose to visit her website- for Soap- a Bone Reading- or Pet Communication. Ms. Margo is the real deal- and I appreciate having her in my life.


Episode 302- Hearts and Flowers


Behind the Bloom: The Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch