Chrysanthemum Cocktail - #flowercocktailhour

It's Flower Cocktail Hour- and time to make the "Chrysanthemum Cocktail" it's a classic- and time honored... and perfect for #FlowercocktailhourChrysanthemum Cocktail - #FlowerCocktailHour   I had never heard of the Chrysanthemum cocktail – but with a name like that I had to investigate. It turns out it’s a century-old classic, dating back to 1916. Popular on cruise liners to Europe during prohibition, it’s a relatively simple drink a that’s light and herbal with a sweet ending.”Ingredients:2 oz Dry Vermouth1 oz Bénédictine3 dashes AbsintheGarnish: Orange twistFollow these Steps:Pour ingredients into a mixing glass with ice and stir until cold.Strain into a chilled coupe.Garnish with an orange twist.Here's a Fun #FlowerCocktailHour- Variation - The Dandelion CocktailThis variation on the classic Chrysanthemum cocktail uses a Yellow and Green Chartreuse combination in place of Benedictine, and subs in bitter Malört in place of the more traditional absinthe.)


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