Looking for something special ? Cocktails or Recipes created on J’s shows…
Try #FlowerCocktailHour or #RecipeinBloom - for a list- You get the idea…
Rustic Pink Tiger Lily Vase!
The Vase features a small local Maple tree- Eucalyptus Pods, Blush Astilbe and these incredible blush pink- rustic Tiger Lilies…that grow right outside my office window... I couldn't resist using them!
Strawberry & Limoncello Rosé Sangria - #FlowerCocktailHour
I prepare and makes Limoncello from an old authentic Italian recipe- he found on Youtube. It's an Authentic recipe that is created step by step by a wonderful Italian Grandma.... and then I'll a cocktail recipe- (Italian Sangria- with the Limoncello as an ingredient! It's Wonderful- I find myself making the Limoncello more frequently these days to give as a gift... it's just that good!
Meaducha - #FlowerCocktailHour
Joel did himself proud and created this wonderful Meaducha Flower Cocktail - that includes both the "Flower of Life" and "Friday Morning" Sound Infused Kombucha and pairs it with their New Sparkling Mead- a honey wine they create a Sacred Springs as well!
Geoff Lamden and Joel Andrus - Sacred Springs
Kelly and I first encountered Sacred Springs and their sound infused kombucha at the Fulton Farmers Market- I really love kombucha- and finding the Sacred Springs Varieties- that include both Flower Elements- and have been infused with sound were a welcome combination
Episode #414- Autumn Harvest
Autumn is in the air on this special episode of Life In Bloom. The bounty of Autumn Harvest- from pumpkins, to ears of stained glass corn, to chrysanthemums, and even roses crafted from colorful leaves, all play a part in these inviting flower arrangements. Plus an Autumn table-scape, and a tempting cocktail to celebrate the Autumn Harvest season.
Episode #413- Tropical Bloom
On today’s Life In Bloom it’s a taste of the tropics with a Tropical Bloom - including a large scale party centerpiece, Wall Art made of foliage, I’ll show you easy techniques to create your own Monstera Madness, make Leis with my friend Jennifer, and we’ll also make a classic tropical cocktail.