Heading to the Rose Parade...

I’m Writing this blog at 30,000 feet… on my way to the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena CA! My Crew is scattered throughout the plane… and we’re heading to an Iconic American Flower Event…Everyone Knows the Tournament of Roses Parade… I’ve been bombarded by emails from Florists all over the US that have the “ROSE PARADE” on their bucket list! They want to work on a Float… or watch the parade… or see the floats up close!The Crew and I are doing that this week… I’ll be visiting FIESTA FLOATS… the Largest Float Construction Company for the Tournament of Roses… they’ve also won the More Awards than any other Float Builder!We’re Specifically interested in the KIT CAT Clock Company Float… and following this Particular Float through construction and the parade. I’m Sure you’ve seen a Kit Cat Clock… it’s the Iconic Black Mid-Century Clock… with the rectangle body, Swinging Tail and Tick-Tock-ing Eyes! It’s an ALL American Made Product… and the Kit Cat Clock Company requested a float made entirely out of CA Grown Flowers!Now You may all know that about 80% of the Flowers in the US come from outside the US… (and that includes Rose Parade Flowers!)… So this Float has caused a lot of Excitement for this year’s Parade!We’re Also Following the CAL-POLY University Float… This Float will also be made entirely from the “Bounty of California”… (did you know that was an original Tournament of Roses Requirement?) I’m going to meet up with the Students at Cal-Poly and Work on the Float… Gluing Flowers, or Tubing Roses…I’m their Flower “Student”… and we’re filming it for those of you that want a behind the scenes peek into the Amazing Artistry that goes into Rose Parade Float Creation!One of My Best Friends… Suzie Ayala AIFD, PFCI (Past President of AIFD)… has worked for FIESTA for many a rose parade… and I’ll be catching up with her behind the scenes… as a crew leader where hundreds of hands and hours of labor go into creating the Award Winning Floats of Fiesta!Finally… we’ll be on hand for an American First… The California Secretary of Agriculture will be on Hand to Certify the KIT CAT and Cal Poly Floats as CA GROWN in an Inaugural Ceremony! We’ll keep the cameras rolling… to share this Monumental Event… and interview the Farmers that Grew the Flowers… The Spectators that take it all in… and the Flower Designers that make the Magic … with Flowers that are CA GROWN!!!Our Show Airs January 16th on uBloom.com and our Special Edition Videos for Kit Cat, Cal Poly and the CA Flower Farmers will be available on Vimeo.com!


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