Mother Nature- Dances in Flowers!

I loved watching cartoons as child... it was an afternoon ritual.. and certainly appointment Television every Saturday morning... Many times... the features included music and flowers... I don't know if it was intentional... but since my family was in the flower business... it seemed natural that flowers played a starring role in so many cartoons... Even the movies of my childhood featured flowers- all the time... it's funny when I look back at it... but it really did seem quite natural that flowers were singing, dancing or playing a part... After all... Flowers are Mother Nature’s Happy Dance!Photo courtesy of RIA KIM...J takes a Stand... Especially when it comes to Flowers!Follow J's Blog: The Flower Stand ... All J... Everything Flowers!Flower Thoughts from J is a FREE Opt-in Email Subscription.Delivered Monday-Friday from J Schwanke, the Host of Fun with Flowers and J on! P.S. Who Wants to Boogie???


Flower Inspiration- on the Menu Tonight!


Orchid- In-da-House!!!