White and Pink O’Hara Roses - Bouquets, Flowers to Wear and Decorations!

Alexandra Farms grows Exceptional Garden Roses. One of the Beautiful Varieties Joey grows is O’Hara, in both WHITE and PINK…

These amazing roses have an exceptional fragrance, when open fully, and are simply gorgeous. Today on Fun with Flowers and J, I create a bridesmaid bouquet using Pink O’Hara Roses and garden flowers including Sweet Dianthus, Limonium and Lavender Spray Asters from Ball Horticultural Company…arranged in the Gala Bouquet Holder.

To show how beautiful the O’Hara roses from Alexandra Farm coordinate for an entire wedding, I’ve created a Bridal Bouquet using White O’Hara and matching flowers to wear. After adding a stunning centerpiece you can see how all the pieces for this wedding compliment one another beautifully!

In addition, I share ideas for repurposing bouquets as wedding reception decorations…

Alexandra Farms’ exceptional O’Hara Roses are the perfect answer for wedding flowers! 


Blush- Maroon and Champagne Rose Arrangement!


Wedding Reception Decorating Secrets!