THE Flower Extravaganza… At Brannan Street!

photo of J and Roy Brodokin owner of Brannan StreetTake 350 Flower Fanatics… add ‘about a Million Stems of Flowers’… throw in Donuts, Coffee, a Bus or Two… mix up at 4am Pacific Standard time… and you’ve got yourself ONE GREAT Big Flower Extravaganza in San Francisco !photo of Brannan Street's Barbara Schnur and Mellanos Michelle CastellanoIt all started with a GREAT IDEA… One of my Very Best Girlfriends…. Barbara Schnur… (or the INFAMOUS Molly Swan … it all depends on where you connect with her)… thought it would be a Valuable Benefit to underscore the AIFD Symposium Field Trip to the Historic San Francisco Flower Mart on July 6th with a Celebrity Appearance with your’s Truly!photo of Eufloria roses, Giant peonies and even climatis at Brannan StreetCan you Stroke of GENIUS??? What better way to show off the Amazing Flower Selection… Quality, Sheer Volume,Customer Service and CA GROWN Product than with ONE on ONE Exposure to the Brilliance that is Brannan Street!photo of J designing with and amongst the Sun Valley TulipsI’ve been coming to Brannan Street for the Unique, Unusual, Creative, and Distinctive for decades now… and the Only way to experience Brannan Street is In Person… wandering through the aisles… seeing the product… smelling the fragrances… meeting the people… it’s the only way to GO!photo of Rose Lilies from Sun Valley Group and feather Carnations from Bloom JapanSo Molly (aka Barbara) asked me to make an Exclusive Appearance at Brannan Street… womp up a few arrangements… There were 17 In all… from 10 Foot tall to table top…photo of 10 foot tall entry way arrangements that guided the visitors through Brannan Streetin the wonderful containers from Highlight. (you can see them in the CA Grown Experience visit to the SF Flower Mart on uBloom) …photo of Protea from Resendiz Brothers in Fallbrook CARoy and Fleming gave me full run of the place… it’s just a bit overwhelming when one of the finest Flower Sellers in the World says "use anything you like… just make yourself at home"… It was somewhat difficult to stay focused… but I learned along time ago… from my Friend Leatrice Eisemann… to pick a color palette and let that be your guide…photo of Brannan Street Roses, Passion vine and Luscious DahliasBrannan Street pulled out all the stops… with displays of Flowers from all over the California… Resendiz Brothers … Green Valley Floral , Eufloria Flowers , Sun Valley Group , Mellano & Co … and all over the world…photo of J and Yutaka Shirakawa from Bloom JapanYutaka from Bloom Japan made a surprise Appearance with some amazing of Rive Gauche, a New Rose Cultivar from Green Valley FloralAnd Janet Louie sent in a NEW Variety… Rive Gauche… that turned heads all day long…photo of one of J's Arrangements from the Amazing Flower and Foliage Selection at Brannan StreetIt was an Incredible day… as Friends lined up for 100’s of Autographed Pictures compliments of Brannan Street… and Flash bulbs flashed… and jaws dropped at the Sheer Fabulousness… that is Brannan Street!!photo of Peonies by the arm loads at Brannan StreetWhat’s that… You Missed it? NEVER Fear… The JTV Crew was on hand to capture the highlights… it’s the NEXT Best thing to being there… Sit back… grab a donut and cup of coffee and see for the yourself the FLOWER Extravaganza at Brannan Street … Right here on!oh Yeah… Don’t forget to CHECK OUT THE PUPPIES … Barbara Loves The Puppies!!!!!


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In the Spotlight: Featured uBloomer, Necoh Brewington-Mitchell!