What colors look good together?- Flowers 101

Monochromatic Colors

Tints, tones and shades of any one color look great together and are classic in nature. They have a calming effect. For example: pink, mauve and burgundy or pale yellow, lemon yellow and sunshine yellow.

Analogous Colors

Colors next to one another on the color wheel: yellow and orange, blue and lavender, red and orange. These colors are neighbor colors on the color wheel, and they are a friendly combination making the arrangement look welcoming or friendly!

Complimentary Colors

Colors that are opposite on the color wheel add excitement! Pink and green, blues and oranges, purples and yellows all look great together and add the needed excitement to a party or special event.

Triadic Colors

There are two triadic color combinations. The primary and secondary color combinations: red, blue, yellow and green, orange and purple. Both can be used very affectively. The first (red, blue and yellow) is usually perceived as childlike and more fundamental. While the second combination (green, orange and purple) is always perceived as upscale.


White added to any color combination will dilute the color combination by over 60%. This can be very helpful to be aware of when selective flower colors. A dynamic complementary color combination of blue and orange can be weakened and diluted dramatically with the addition of white flowers.It is also important to note that an all white color combination or tints, tones and shades of white (white, cream and taupe) can be particularly striking and eye catching. It is also fun to mix white evenly (a 50-50 Ratio) with red, blue or yellow to create a gingham color scheme that can be American country in nature.


The CA Grown Experience on uBloom returns to Schubert Nursery!


What about Flower Arranging Classes?- Flowers 101