FEBRUARY 2012 uBloom Newsletter: Product Spotlight: Hearts Roses by Esprit Miami

Hearts and Roses are the symbols most often used to represent Love and Affection.  Now, thanks to Esprit Miami, you can have BOTH in ONE!  Introducing "Hearts Roses" by Esprit!  Beautiful Red roses that have a unique, HEART-shaped center!  Nothing can symbolize LOVE better than Hearts Roses!

Contact Esprit for details and pricing...or better yet, get their APP... the Esprit App is available from itunes... It's FREE!
Call Esprit to load in their current pricing schedule and you can then order online and have the product dropped right to your nearest wholesale florist... SIMPLE... and EASY!!!  Don't you just LOVE technology?



FEBRUARY 2012 uBloom Newsletter: WIN a Day with J!


FEBRUARY 2012 uBloom Newsletter: uBloom Recommends...