It's Photo Friday! McKenna Floral 'WOW's' with Green & White!

I'll admit...I am somewhat biased towards green & white flowers.  Yes, I LOVE color...but there is something so clean, so pure, so fresh and so simple, yet elegant about a flower design created in all white and green.THAT is why this incredibly lush, ALL green & white floral design pic posted by Laura Murphy of McKenna Floral in San Clemente, CA caught my eye IMMEDIATELY!  I mean...just LOOK at those pure white blossoms of garden roses, hydrangea, lilies and orchids spilling over the sides of their container...and the chartreuce green bells of Ireland spiraling upwards to the's poetry in flowers!  Ooops...pardon the drool...but, I can't help myself...those flowers are STUNNING!Thank you Laura for posting this gorgeous photo for us to enjoy!  


Day with J Winner: Steven Santos and J Michaels Florist!


Guest Blogger: Elizabeth Crisp... REAL Florist!