JUNE 2012 NEWSLETTER: Look who was SEEN with J!
J travels all over the country spreading his love and passion for flowers. His desire is to encourage flower professionals and enthusiats to KEEP having FUN with Flowers...and inspire creativity and freedom in floral design. He enjoys meeting uBloom friends wherever he goes...check out WHO was SEEN with J recently...J is a regular guest on "Take 5 & Co." on WZZM, an ABC affiliate in Grand Rapids, MI. The staff at WZZM LOVE J as he always brings his high octane, "flower power" energy...and of course, FLOWERS, to the set. Here he is with "Take 5 & Co." host, Stephanie Webb. In this particular segment, J was teaching Stephanie and the "Take 5" viewers how to weave a palm leaf into a "nautilus" design. However, Stephanie's palm turned out to look more like a shrimp...but she was still impressed with her handiwork and had a great time learning a new skill. She did a great job for her first attempt at palm weaving...and besides...she was close...nautilus' and shrimp are both shellfish, right?
Back in March, J made his way to San Jose, CA to visit the Mt. Eden Floral Co. to conduct training & hands on workshops featuring luscious Garden Roses! Club uBloom Members and Cali girls, Shannon Cosgrove-Rivas and Kristi Landphere, attended J's seminars to further their knowledge of Garden Roses...as both ladies own floral design studios and frequently work with the heady blooms.Here they are popping a pose for a pic with J! Lookin' good ladies! Both Shannon and Kristi are Featured uBloomer alumni...you can read more about them in the "In the Spotlight...Featured uBloomer" interviews in the uBloom Blog.In the Spotlight...Featured uBloomer, Shannon Cosgrove-RivasIn the Spotlight...Featured uBloomer, Kristi LandphereHave you been spotted with J? We would love for you to share YOUR "Seen with J" photos with us! If you've mugged for the camera with J...we want to see! You can email your photos to me, Lisa, uBloom's Community Gardener at lisaluck71@yahoo.com and I'll be sure and get them in our next Bloomin' Buzz Newsletter!