Happy Fall Ya'll!

The blistering Summer temps have given way to the milder days and crisp, cool nights of Autumn.  Soon, the trees will burst into flames of color while we pull out the cozy sweaters and linger over bon fires and hot chocolate.  Ah, FALL is back!One of everyone's favorite Fall activities is decorating the house (and shop) for the season...and of course, Halloween.  Who doesn't love piles of big, fat, orange pumpkins, dried corn stalks, goofy scarecrows and spooky witches setting the scene in the front yard?  And DON'T forget the favorite flower of Fall...MUMS!   If Fall decor is your "thing"...then be SURE and check out the FANTASTIC Fall/Halloween Decor ideas from J's "Fall FUN with Flowers" Pinterest Board!  You'll LOVE all the trendy ideas and crafty Fall projects that will make your home and yard extra inviting and SPOOK-tacularly special for family & friends! 


The uBloom Trend Synthesis: “TROPICAL TEXTURE” Project!


The uBloom Trend Synthesis: Introducing the “TROPICAL TEXTURE” Concept!