4th Generation Florist Meets 4th Generation Fern Grower at Hagstrom!
Our Visit to Albin Hagstrom & Son in Pierson Florida (the FERN Capital of the WORLD!!!)... was Monumental! It gave me the opportunity to tour a World Class Fern Farm... with other Flower Industry 4th Generation Foliage Farmers!
Now... I don't run across many other 4th Generation (still in the Same Family Business) People very often... so it was a Real Treat to visit with Erik Hagstrom and his cousin Lars Hagstrom at their Family Fern Farm in Florida!
Many people know I grew up in a Family Florist... but what most don't know is that I spent alot of time in my families greenhouse... not only was it fun place to play... but I got to know the "Growers" that my Grandpa and Dad hired to grow our Crops... So having the chance to visit with Lars... brought back such great memories of my family business!
Selling is a Very Important of a Family Business... and Erik caters to that Specialty... while Lars is the Grower... making sure Erik has Amazing Crops to Sell! Growers are fascinating people... because they work hand in hand with nature to plant, nurture and care for crops that will be harvested and used by "Designer Types" like myself... and be used to turn peoples feelings into Flowers and (...Of Course) Foliage!
We got a first hand look at Lars' arsenal of Tractors, Trucks, and "Blowers" that help him do his job... and it's a BIG JOB... wrestling Mother Nature's Hurricanes or Freezing Temps to insure we always have World Class American Grown Foliage! Lars even fired up his "Hurricane Force Wind Blower" to show us how he battles Pests and Disease on a THICK, LUSH, Very Tightly Growing Field of Hagstrom Premium Leatherleaf!
In the video... Erik explains how Mother Nature can turn an acreage of saran (black woven plastic that shades from Sun... but allows rain and wind to move freely around the foliage crops)... into the WORLD's Largest KITE during a Hurricane...
The Saran Structures at Hagstrom are constructed using steel rebar reinforcements... that can be bent by the Force of Mother Nature! Check out our Pinterest Board... for the Florida Fresh Tour to see a rare glimpse of Hagstrom's Saran Structure from the TOP...
I even got the opportunity to "Attempt" to master the Hagstrom Fresh Lock Process... Watch thru to the credits on our Visit to Albin Hagstrom & Son... to see Erik's evaluation of my "Attempt"... needless to say... I won't quit my day job!
Erik and his crew (some Hagstrom Employees are 2nd Generation... and some have been honored with 10-20-30 and even 40 Years of Service on the Hagstrom Wall of Honor in Pierson!) moved "mountains" of Foliage... through the Hagstrom Operation prior to Mother's Day during our Visit!
We even had the opportunity to Photograph the Three Hagstrom Brothers (3rd Generation) during our Visit to Hagstroms... Did you know that Albin Hagstrom & Son... actually resides on Hagstrom Road in Pierson?? That's a HUGE Testament to the Longevity and Dedication of this American Foliage Farm!
Check out Erik's Invitation... to this week's Florida Fresh Premiere show... with his two daughters... (and again... watch to the credits... for a Few laughs from Erik!)... Hagstrom's does big business but never loses track of "FAMILY"... which includes the Hagstrom Family and their Amazing Employees...
It was a treat... to spend the afternoon with Erik and Lars... these guys are every bit as genuine... friendly and AWESOME... as they seem on Film... 4th Generation American Foliage Farmers... delivering World Class Florida Foliage all around the GLOBE! Follow Hagstrom on Facebook... www.facebook.com/leatherleaf
The Florida Fresh Foliage Tour... is FREE to everyone on uBloom.com... and FREE To download... so you can create your own Collection of American Grown Documentaries... for years to come... Visit Albin Hagstrom & Son with us... Monday June 10... and share what it takes to bring Foliage Fresh from Florida to the WORLD!