Lavender- the essential flower!

Fragrant Lavender.... you just can't resist it...When you cut it in your garden... or get it as a cut flower-here's a few tips to remember...Lavender Flowers- benefit from CVBn Tablets... in the water...Along with flower food... and use COLD Water... not warm in your vase!In the Language of flowers- Lavender Means: Cautious Devotion - RenewalLavender has been successfully used to Treat Digestive Tract Problems...and Lavender is believed to help insomnia... anxiety and restlessness...perhaps it's a good idea to have some by the bedside in a little vase...Or on your desk at work... just sayin'Lavender is also a natural Antiseptic...and  can be used to clean and disinfect....Dying to know the How to Translate the Latest Trends or Colors...With FLOWERS????  uBloom To the RESCUE....The uBloom Trend Synthesis Brochure is the FIRST Step...Order yours Today and then WATCH the TREND Analysis Videoson Thoughts from J is a FREE Opt-in Email Subscription.Delivered Monday-Friday from J Schwanke, the Host of Fun with Flowers and J on! P.S. Here's a great little article about All those benefits and More... take a whiff or two....maybe MORE!


Happy Birthday to my Sister - Jo


Stock - one of My Favorite Flowers!