NO Flowers for Medalists? Rio #OlympicFail

Flowers for History!Ok... It's time for my Rant... about the Omission of Flowers for the Medalists at Rio...Here's the article that was posted with the Official Olympic Reply... Sustainability as the scapegoat... With Certification processes... Like FlorVerde or Rainforest Alliance... the flowers can certainly be grown with sustainable conscious... and also they can provide Benefits to People and their Culture...If the Olympics truly want to address Sustainability... we need to take a closer look at this...The Past Olympic Venues that have fallen into disrepair and become a liability (or worse)... to these former Olympic Host locations... SHOCKING is an Appropriate adjective!Former Olympic Venues CrumbleSo instead... the Olympic Committee in Rio decided it was best to give them a statue of some sort that commemorates the games... and it begs this question...What is the statue made of??? Sustainable or Recycled Materials???Is there a Sustainable certification for the manufacturer of the statues or their contents?What programs are available to the workers that created the statues?Are they building schools, offering Daycare, providing nutritious meals, or cleaning up the environment?Further more... what is going to happen to the venues in Rio... and if we are going to be seriousabout things that are going to be disposed of a few days or hours after a ceremony...Perhaps we should stop serving food at the Olympics... after all the food all ends up in the sewer system the next day? Seriously??!Hiding behind sustainability issues... especially when successful Certification processes are in place to provide benefits and insure environmental and cultural benefits... seems like someone took a liberty or two to cover up another Rio #OlympicFail...I'll start with my TWEET...  #BringBackTheFlowers !  Thank you! 


When Invited- Always bring Flowers!


Happy Birthday to my Sister - Jo