Orchid- In-da-House!!!

I don't know about you...but I feel better with there are flowers in the house... whether it's cut flowers, or a blooming plant... Actually I love having any type of plant material around... so foliage is another option I adore...Honestly... I feel Better...with living things surrounding me... and being able to look around... and catch a glimpse of a flower, plant or foliage... just makes me happy...So naturally- I feel better... when there's an Orchid in the House...they are easy to care for... and super long lasting... you can pick them up-- at the local florist, nursery, or market... Watching the blooms unfurl... is rewarding, satisfying and so good for our well being... Learn More about Flower Arranging at uBloom.com! Flowers 101 is valuableinformation for Beginners and Experts alike... it's the BASICS... from your PrivateFlower Expert: J Schwanke... the Host of FUN with Flowers and J!Flower Thoughts from J is a FREE Opt-in Email Subscription.Delivered Monday-Friday from J Schwanke, the Host of Fun with Flowers and J on uBloom.com! P.S.  Orchid in-da house?... there... That's Better...  


Mother Nature- Dances in Flowers!


What shall we do today??? - Arrange Flowers!!!