Bananas and Roses- What's the connection???

 PrintBananas and Roses.... What could possibly be the connection between this tropical fruit and the fragrant roses in your garden?Here's a helpful gardening tip...  Save those Banana Skins!Many of us eat a banana everyday to increase our potassium... and we're tossing the peel... or putting it in compost (I Hope)... but here's an even better idea...Bury Banana Skins at the foot of your Rose Bushes to add valuable Phosphates, Calcium, Sulfer, Silca, Sodium ...and Magnesium...All Marvelous Soil Conditioners.....and your roses will love you for it... producing vibrant foliage and gorgeous blooms... and you thought Bananas were just for monkeys...  Think again!J takes a Stand... Especially when it comes to Flowers!Follow J's Blog: The Flower Stand ... All J... Everything Flowers!Flower Thoughts from J is a FREE Opt-in Email Subscription.Delivered Monday-Friday from J Schwanke, the Host of Fun with Flowers and J on! P.S. fee fi mo- manna -  ROSE Blooms!


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