Fall has arrived.... SIGH!!!!

Fall has arrived.... you can "smell" it in the air....but you can also see it in the trees...I'm often asked... why I live in Michigan... and Fall is perhaps the Number 1 reason! When I used to visit Grand Rapids... and work on the John Henry Book projects ... it typically fell at the end of September. That's the time that the nights get crisper... and the sky seems to get more blue...The Trees begin to turn... and of course- the Color Tours start! This year fall has been delayed a bit... by warmer temps... we've had plenty of moisture which means that when the 'frost' comes the colors will be intense and beautiful..It was many years before I realized that the ORANGE Leaves against the BLUE sky ... was a complimentary color scheme that started my 'heart to race'...I love the cooler weather... the earlier sunsets, the falling leaves, the frost on the lawn... and the breezes of "Indian Summer"... it's Fall in Michigan... my favorite time of year!The photo is above is the view out of my bedroom window... I love that I look out over these trees and shrubs... and I can lie in bed and watch the leaves fall... or the fog roll in... or the wind blow...Fall is amazing... and when you meet another "Fall Fanatic" or "Fall-natic"... you can see the excitement in their eyes... It's a romance that has been around for centuries... I can't imagine living somewhere where they don't experience fall...Get the Most for your Money... subscribe with an annual membership to uBloom... and save20%... off the monthly rate...PSSST... use the discount SECRET20 (all caps no spaces ) and get an additional 20% off SHHHH!Access ALL Videos, Post Comments,... Join today!Flower Thoughts from J is a FREE Opt-in Email Subscription.Delivered Monday-Friday from J Schwanke, the Host of Fun with Flowers and J on uBloom.com! P.S. Fall- It's Mother Nature's ..."SIGH"... after Summer!... ahhhhhh!


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