A Visit to P. Allen Smith and Moss Mountain Farm...

J's Blog- presented by BALLAllenJWinterberryThis past week- I traveled to Moss Mountain Farm- the home of my Friend P. Allen Smith...We became friends a few years ago and I've enjoyed being a guest on Allen's Shows- Garden Style and Garden Home- (On PBS and Syndicated across the country)...For the past few years- Allen has invited me to help with the Christmas Decoration at the Farm- and we even created a show all about the process- You can catch it on your Local Stations... (playing now-) or Add it to your Video Library on Youtube for $1... (Garden Style-"Spreading Christmas Cheer")- You'll have access to this fun show forever!AllenJDipperGourdsThe "PAS Posse" (Film Crew)... shot some new segments that will air in the future with Allen and myself... we had a great time filming and sharing our passion for Flowers, Plants and Decorating for the Holidays- as well as everyday- flower fun!And of course- Moss Mountain Farm got all decked out for the holidays- including a Christmas Tree themed to Scotties- to honor Duncan, Lady Chatty and the Newest Scotty in the Tribe! Allen likes a big tree... so it's a team effort to get it lit (with over 6000 lights) and hundreds of decorations...AllenJChristmasTreeI'm in charge of the topper... and that's a whole lot of fun- we decorated with Scottie Ribbon- Magnolia Leaves from the Farm, Pine Cones, Sponge Mushrooms, even Protea... for a creative Naturalism look... it's breathtaking and something you won't want to miss on your visit!The Farm Hosts Tours - of the House, Cottage, Poultryville and the grounds throughout the holiday season... Allen and I gave a couple of presentations- and its always fun -to have my friend "on stage" with me- we have a ball... and it's lots of laughs for both us and the audience... Nothing better than arranging flowers with a friend!AllenJGardenCuttingWe have fun whenever were together... no matter where they put us... in the garden, on a porch, or under the Christmas tree... his wonderful sense of humor keeps me smiling... and we love sharing tips with each other and sharing with his audience!You'll see Allen and I together in my NEW Network TV Show- Life in Bloom- (as well as on Garden Home and Garden Style) in the Future... as bring Allen's "Art of the Garden" to Life in Bloom... and I appear in more segments on his show! To that end...  I thought it would be fun to share a couple of the Fun Ideas I've shared on his show- with our uBloom Audience...So for the NEXT two weeks... the Featured Video on uBloom will be coming to you direct from Moss Mountain Farm- and P. Allen Smith- thanks to the PAS Posse... we'll have a show about adding embellishments to your Poinsettias (Rockin' the Red) and Making Tiny Christmas Trees- featuring Allen and myself as we show you how you can create Mini Christmas Trees to decorate your home!I love the inspiration I get at Moss Mountain Farm and the fun times Kelly and I share with our friend P. Allen Smith... I left a little reminder... on the sink- before I left...I always wear a Red Carnation at my presentations in honor of my Grandpa "Carnation Joe Green"... and when he (or my dad) end the day... they would place their Carnation for the Day in a glass on the kitchen sink...Every home I ever lived in... has a carnation in a glass on the counter by the sink...As I dashed out the door to the airport... I left that little trademark for my friend Allen...AllenJRedCarnationJust a little FUN Flower reminder... that I'll be back... to visit again at Moss Mountain Farm!Check out this week's Show- "Rockin' the Red" on uBloom... and the Mini Christmas Trees Next week... just go to the home page... and click on the link...Remember- You can save 40% off an Annual Membership with discount code "SECRET20"...it lowers the price to $2.56 a week... and you have unlimited access to 1000's of videos... it's always fun with Flowers and J...  www.uBloom.com/join/Annual


Merry Mini Christmas Trees - With P. Allen Smith!


Rockin’ the Red - Poinsettia!