Behind the Bloom - Brussel Sprouts a l’Orange Recipe with Kim Carson

Welcome to Behind the Bloom! A new series from our Life in Bloom Crew! 

Challenges create opportunities…and that is how we found- "BEHIND THE BLOOM"! Challenges can make us get creative. We’re challenged with physical distancing, quarantine and shelter in place with this Global Pandemic. So, we started looking in our video files and low and behold, we found some fun footage that either never got published, was edited out or ran too long…and VOILA, a flower inspiration began to sprout! Why not edit and publish those "Behind the Bloom" segments- little fun parts that for any number of reasons - were laying on the cutting room floor.

Behind the Bloom will showcase never before seen clips, cuts, recipes, tours, projects, interviews and more from our Life in Bloom archives. We realized we had some great footage that needed to be shared. So, sit back and enjoy a look “Behind the Bloom” at making Flower Television…courtesy of my amazing Life in Bloom Crew! 

In future Behind the Bloom Episodes- you learn more about my flower friends- get a peek at me making flower arrangements that just "appear" for a minute or two on "Life in Bloom"... or fun antics, outtakes, that stuff that seems silly at the time- but really it can actually be valuable... entertaining, education or just FUN!

Its only fitting that our First "Life in Bloom" would be from our Pilot and Feature my Friend Kim Carson- she was in the pilot- and also does the amazing voice over work that you hear each week in our Underwriter Pod... For the First "Behind the Bloom" we feature a recipe my Friend Kim Carson created that never made it into Season 1 of Life in Bloom!

Enjoy the fun as Kim Carson shares her recipe for Brussel Sprouts a l’Orange…on Behind the Bloom! For the Printed Recipe- follow this link - Brussel Sprouts a l'Orange


Kim Carson - Radio Personality


Episode 101- Pilot - Life In Bloom