Basic Flower Tools- Flower Food, Vase & Cutters!
When it comes to Basic Flower Tools for Flower arranging- there are Three Important ones... and they are showcased in the Pilot Episode of J Schwanke's Life in Bloom.Flower Food- Almost always- there is a packet of Flower Food- that you can add to your water... it's designed especially for flowers- with special nutrients to feed the flower (this means bigger blooms, more color and fragrance, and vibrant green leaves- plus it helps reduce bacteria in the water- the Number 1 Enemy of Flowers)... so using the bag- and following the directions is key... Too much or Too Little is NEVER Good- so measure accurately.Here's a Bonus Video about Flower Food- that will give you my Flower Expert Tips!One more helpful hint is to use COLD WATER- the colder the water- the longer the flowers will last. Warm Water has more air in it... that's why it is usually cloudy- and the warmer temperature- helps bacteria form and multiply faster... so use Cold Water... you can even chill your water- once the food and water are mixed- in the refrigerator- before arranging your flowers. I like to get it ready the night before I go to get flowers- then it's all ready... I also keep extra flower food water in the frig- so I can easily top off the vase when it becomes depleted.
Speaking of the vase- I like a vase that has plenty of room for water- that means more water (and food) in reserve for my flowers! I also like a neck that is skinnier- so that it makes the stems fall into an attractive shape more easily. Another expert tip- cut the stems a bit shorter- that way the blooms will gather together- and look more impressive... A short cut - is Truly the SHORT CUT to more beautiful arrangements.Here's a video about Containers- that will help you get started on Selecting Great Vessels for your Flower Arrangements!
Now - for cutters- my preferred Flower Tool - is a locking blade knife- I love my SWISS ARMY Knife- and it's Top Flower Tool choice of Flower Professionals all around the world... here's a video that shows how to cut with a knife! IF a knife scares you... go with a by-pass cutter or garden pruner- because the blades bypass one another (thus the name)- you get a better swifter cut- with less damage to the stem. DO NOT use scissors- they are made for cutting things like paper or ribbon- and the actual mechanic- of scissors pinches the stem closed and prevents water uptake- Cut a Straw with a scissors and you'll see EXACTLY what I mean!Here's a video about How to use a knife - like a Flower Expert!
Here's a Bonus Video- about Flower Care- and Tools- that will give you a few more of my insider secrets - that will empower your flower arranging skills... I love to share- and hope my tips will help you be more comfortable - and enjoy arranging flowers more often!Want More Basic Flower Arranging Instructional Videos? Visit for Lots More FREE Info!