Resendiz Brothers - Protea Farm
Protea Farming is uniquely different from typical flower farming. Resendiz Brothers in Fallbrook California- has planted numerous different Protea varieties on the Mountain sides in Southern California. Each of the Protea plants is grow on shrubs that may vary in height from 4-8 feet tall or event 6-15 feet tall- depending on variety!Protea, Wax Flower, Leptospermum (Pin Cushion Flowers), Kangaroo Paws and Grevillea adorn the fields, mountains and valleys at Resendiz Brothers- along with lots and lots of pollinators. It's a paradise of sorts- akin to the Garden of Eden- with bright colors-and interesting topography - and humming birds whizzing by.
These interesting varieties of Flowers- are SUPER Trend forward- and continue to escalate in the Marketplace- showing up in Fabrics, Accessories, Artwork, Furnishings, Tabletop, Wedding and Event work. The long lasting qualities- and unusual colors and textures are wide spread- and have graced the pages and covers of Lifestyle Magazines, like Sunset, Better Homes Gardens and more.
Mel Resendiz- the curator of this Protea Farm- is a Passionate Purveyor of these interesting and unique flowers. Mel not only curates the varieties that are grown at the Farm- he has a special "laboratory" style greenhouse where he grafts and creates new hybrids- based on his years of experience and knowledge.
Protea- and Mel's other crops do best outdoors- without the benefit of Greenhouse Glass or Plastic- growing in the elements- on the sides of mountains- and down in the valleys- where nature controls the harvest. Mel admittedly is part "Mountain Goat"... inspired to scale the steep hillsides, carving roads into the patchwork landscape- hand planting and irrigating - as he crafts his own flower filled landscape in the mountainous landscape of Fallbrook.
You can experience the variety of Resendiz Crops at their website- and even visit the Protea Store to have a selection sent to your door... or acquire a plant to enjoy on your desk or in your garden... Resendiz Brothers truly is "Everything Flowers" in a most unique and creative way!Visit Resendiz Brothers Flower Fields with Flower Expert J Schwanke- Host of J Schwanke's Life in Bloom on Public Television in the CA Grown Experience Documentary on!