Vanilla Orchid Cocktail Recipe- #FlowerCocktailHour

Vanilla Orchid CocktailMany don't realize that Vanilla is orchid produce- the vanilla pods used to make vanilla extract or flavoring- come from an orchid... so this #FlowerCocktailHour Treat is a the Vanilla Orchid Cocktail... a hand crafted refreshing after dinner dessert drink. Enjoy!Many don't realize that Vanilla is from an orchid- you can enjoy this flavorful dessert drink featuring vanilla vodka- anytime!Ingredients:White Peppermint LiquorVanilla Flavored VodkaWhite Chocolate LiquorOrganic Half and Half- or Heavy CreamOrchid Blossom- for GarnishSteps to preparation- (takes about 5 minutes)Into a cocktail shaker filled with ice -Add the following ingredients:1 oz White Peppermint Liquor1 oz Vanilla Flavored Vodka1 oz White Chocolate LiquorShake well – and strain into a glass over iceFinish with Organic Half and HalfGarnish with an Organic Orchid Blossom and serve (Dendrobium orchid blooms work well)


Orchid Bath Soak- Flowers for the Bath!


Episode 112- Terrariums: Life under Glass