Floating Flower and Foliage Frames- #FlowerCraft

Garden Art with J SchwankeThis is a fun flower project- that can feature flowers from the garden. I found these lovely Flower Frames at the Craft store- they are two framed pieces of glass that are hinged on one side- they open with a small latch- and then you can place objects between the glass- and they appear to float. It's Perfect for Flowers and Foliage!The One thing we can always depend on is change... For the Filming of this show- the frames I used were from Accent Decor Inc. They do not sell direct... however they have Accent Decor Retailers- all across the country- in the Paragraph below- you'll see a link to their LOCATOR- for the nearest retailer near you...Due to the pandemic- the Frames were out of stock for a long time... I'm not sure if Accent Decor will produce them again...HOWEVER- I have good news... SAVE ON CRAFTS.com carries Richland Metal Hangin Photo Frames- Here's a LINK!Search on Line for Richland Metal Hanging Frames- and you'll also find other sources for them....Here's a LINK to QUICK CANDLES that also carries these frames.Here's a Link to Candles 4 Less- that also carries these frames...Finally... They are Also Available on Amazon.com- Here's one more LINK!The Floating Flower Frames are created by Accent Decor- they are home and decorative accessory manufacturer from Atlanta Georgia- and they have place on their website where you can search by ZIP CODE for the nearest retail store that carries their project- CLICK on this Link to find the nearest Accent Decor Retailer near You!  I have also discovered floating glass frames at on line retailers... try out this link for on line sales! Flowers and Foliage from the garden work great... You can't add WHOLE Flowers- because they are too thick- but you can deconstruct the flowers.  Take a rose for example- you can pull the petals and place them individually- as I did in on Life in Bloom. or I cut off single hydrangea florets- and placed them in the frames.Some flowers are thin enough- I used Stock and herbs like Basil and Oregano- with flowers intact t0 help create my "flower art". Placing the flowers, stems and foliage is very similar to creating an arrangement - or it can be compared to painting a painting. You want to use different textures, colors and shapes and forms.FOLIAGE- it's one of the most important elements- and there are so many different kinds of foliage in the garden. I have featured Dusty Miller- with it's wonderful shape and silvery color. I love a Hosta leaf and there are dozens of different types of Hosta. Coleus is another favorite- the variety "Fishnet Stockings" is featured in one of the framers- it literally looks like fishnet stockings- and has a wonderful lime green background... (Pssst... Look for the Indian Blanket Coleus- that has the colors of a Native American Woven Tapestry).Scented Geranium has such a wonderful leave shape- and the fragrance while you're creating your #flowercraft is a bonus. I also used Florida Foliage in one of the frames- It's a variety of "Leatherleaf" but I like the term Florida Foliage- for this long lasting- apical shaped fern frond leaf... the variety I used is "Victoria's Lace" named after my friend Victoria Register Hunter- she's one of my FernTrust Friends- and how fun is it to have a variety of Fern named after you?  Victoria's Lace has a lace type edge that creates interest in floating flower frame.This is a fun project - that you can do with Kids. You can also create seasonal frames ... or match a theme - it's a fun way to bring flowers and foliage into the art you hang on the wall- It's a another way to decorate your Life in Bloom!Check out this Flower Craft in Episode 1 of Season 2 of J Schwanke's Life in Bloom- Watch now!Find other Flower Crafts and Projects in the Life in Bloom- Flower Arranging Blog Archive!


Keep Flowers Top of Mind... Flower Power!


Thank YOU- Season 2 - Life in Bloom Underwriters!