At Home with Flowers - Let’s Start at the Beginning…

I’ve created over 2000 Videos about arranging flowers for Weddings, Holidays, Professionals and Hobbyists. I’ve also created documentaries about Flower and Foliage Farms in California, Florida and even South America…as well as my new National Public Education Television show “J Schwanke’s Life in Bloom” can watch it online here: or choose by your favorite topics here: 

Today I’m starting a new series on the uBloom website called “At Home with Flowers”! It’s designed for the millions of people watching “Life in Bloom” on PBS and Create TV Networks. My “Life in Bloom” viewers  have been reaching out to me for lessons that start at the very beginning (when it comes to arranging flowers) and are looking for simple and easy tips to make it FUN…and also beautiful! 

Flowers make us happy and there are proven health and wellness benefits to including flowers in our lives everyday! You can see the research here :

“At Home with Flowers” will start at the beginning for those of us trying flowers for the first time and will share my favorite tips, tools, helpful hints and the joy of arranging flowers…It helps us slow down, calm down, get happy and enjoy having flowers around us!

So many people keep telling me that they need to be more comfortable with flowers or that they feel intimidated when it comes to flowers. I’m here to help with that…I want you to feel comfortable, I want you to have fun and I want you to be more “At Home with Flowers”! 

My entire collection of Flower Arranging Videos is always available ( ) on my website and subscriptions start at $3.99 a month/ $38.40 for a year  (use this code- to get a discount on any membership: 50ATHOME – use it here

Today is the perfect time to “start at the very beginning”… Get Happy, Calm Down and Enjoy Flowers! Let’s do it together with “At Home with Flowers”. 


"Joey" Azout- from Alexandra Farms in Bogota


Ms Margo- the Bone Reader