Happy Holiday Arrangement with J’s Bouquets

Who doesn’t love “Happy Hour”?! Especially when it comes to the holiday…This J’s Bouquet is the perfect color combination to create a Christmas Arrangement. 

I’m using a red tin container and Smithers Oasis® Midnight Foam along with some Fraiser Fir, a few pine cones and Christmas ornaments plus a beautiful plaid ribbon from theRibbonRoll.com. It all comes together quickly and easily and these simple tips will make you look like a pro. 

Grabbing a bunch of flowers and using it decorate for the Holidays allows us to include the Health and Wellness Benefits of flowers to our Lives. It’s all about making the Holidays Merry and Bright! Enjoy!


Tape Grid Hack featuring “Pinky Swear” – J’s Bouquet!


Fruit & Flowers featuring “Happy Hour” J’s Bouquet