Triadic Arrangement!

Today’s color lesson is created using Triadic colors…We have two choices, primary colors or secondary colors! I chose the primary colors yellow, red and blue (the basic colors that start the color wheel)…The combination of the primary colors creates the secondary colors. The primary colors are classic and are the first colors we learn and thus, will give us a feeling of familiarity (*secondary colors are always seen as upscale). 

I also share some helpful hints on the elements and principles of design for creating flower arrangements. I’m featuring a Foliage Bouquet from FernTrust Inc, Yellow Lilies from Sun Valley Flower Farm, a Sunflower from Bandy Ranch Floral, Delphinium from Mellano & Company, Veronica from Ocean Breeze Premium Flowers, Red Carnations from Ayura Pride Eclipse Flowers and Mikado Spray Roses from Myriad Flowers International! I hope you enjoy this flower lesson based on a Triad of primary colors!


Lavender Blueberry Spritzer Mocktail - #FlowerCocktailHour


Hummingbird Cocktail- #FlowerCocktailHour