Creating a Little Flower World at the Bob Ross Experience!
Today on our At Home with Flowers Video on uBloom- I’m on location in Muncie Indiana… and I’m showing you how you can create a little Flower world of your own … We’ll be creating a fresh flower and foliage diorama. Here’s a bit of backstory… Amazingly- I was invited to the Bob Ross Experience in Muncie Indiana- at the Minnetrista Museum and Gardens- on Bob Ross’ Birthday…(no Less-) by my WONDERFUL friend Joan… (more about Joan, and an OUT OF THIS WORK opportunity- that’s coming up in Season 7- Episode 702 – Painting and Flowers… So stay tuned)
Anyway- back to the Bob Ross Experience- it’s the Original Studio that Bob filmed in for 15 years… before he moved to the Ball State Public Television Station. The Bob Ross Experience is the original home that was donated by the Ball Family- and today- it houses - a Museum Experience- where you can see where Bob stood and beat the devil out of the brushes- and much more… It’s worth the Trip and it’s exciting be in the same room- that Bob was in for so many years creating his trademark Joy of Painting Series… – and while I was there- Joan shared one of her favorite pictures of Bob with a Baby Raccoon- it was that very photo in tandem with being at the Bob Ross Experience- that inspired me to create this fun little flowers world.
You know Bob Ross is inspiring in so many ways… and I frequently just flip on the Bob Ross Channel on Roku- to have a little bit of calm- that Bob’s voice and delivery- does so well. You will recall - that Bob would often say- that “you were able to create your little world inside his paintings”… and it’s the same with flowers- you can create your own little world- inside an arrangement… I’ve been obsessed with Dioramas since I was a little kid…I loved making them in school- I love seeing them on display in museums, or on vacation… anywhere there is a diorama for me to get lost in… is a good day! So let’s create our own Little Flower World- today- it’s easy and its fun to create a Flower Diorama- This one will include a few little Raccoon Visitors- a rock path- some boulders, flowers, foliage - ‘trees’ - and ‘bushes’ if you will- all created from Fresh Flowers and Foliage- and we’ll be doing it in the Studio where Bob created his Paintings and Public Television Series… NOW THAT IS INCREDIBLE! - Trust me- when I tell you being able to film this at the Bob Ross Experience- where he stood for many years- bringing us The Joy Of Painting… was an unbelievable opportunity- So Join me… and let’s create our own Flower World Today!
PS. A HUGE Thank You to our Friends at Minnetrista Museum and Gardens and Bob Ross Inc. for their Kindness, Support and Friendship!
Put the Minnetrista Museum and Gardens and the Bob Ross Experience on your Must Do- LIST … it’s truly a Treasure- and wonderful Experience!