Cucumber Margaritas

The Cucumber Margarita Recipe… Thanks Neighbor!

It’s always Fun when Troy comes to visit - and this is no exception - Troy and I enjoy Cucumber Margaritas to christen the garden potting bench!

Troy joins me for a Cocktail - as we so often do after a fun project - in the garden and the NEW Potting Bench doubles brilliantly as a bar… as we enjoy a couple of Cucumber Infused Margaritas… Delicious!

Cucumber Margarita’s are on the menu – to initiate the NEW Garden Potting Bench/Garden Bar!

Neighbors like Troy are a Treasure- and It’s always Fun with Troy comes to visit!

Here’s the Cucumber Margarita Recipe:

Prepare the Infused Cucumber Juice:

Puree a large cucumber – including the peel in a juicer… strain the juice through a coffee filter…

You’ll notice the Juice is a Very Pleasing Green Color…

Then Add 2 parts Cucumber Juice to 1 part Tequila and 1 part Triple Sec.. and refrigerate overnight in a sealed container.

I Infused the Tequila with Cucumber as well- for a bit more Cucumber flavor… prior to making the Cucumber Infused Juice
Take a whole cucumber and peel it… cut up the cucumber and remove the seeds- chop up the Cucumber- and place it in
a glass container with the cucumber peels and cover with tequila- allow to set at room temperature for 1 week- strain through
a coffee filter- and place back into the tequila bottle – and mark – as Cucumber Infused Tequila.

To prepare the drink…

Salt the rim of glass- and chill glasses if desired

In a cocktail shaker over ice- add the following ingredients:
(recipe is for 2 large drinks)

2 oz Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice

2 oz Organic Pure Cane Sugar Syrup

4 oz Cucumber infused Juice…

Shake and pour into a glass over ice- and top with Seltzer water- I prefer San Pelligrino…  and serve!

I have the BEST Neighbor- and Cheers to my Friend- Troy Caswell- and his wife Lisa… for the Years of fun- and wonderful memories!


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