Arranging Flowers on top a Mountain!

There’s nothing like being in the presence of Wonderful Friends- Gorgeous Flowers- and having the opportunity to arrange flowers on a Mountain Top in Vista California- Join me this week on At Home with Flowers- as we go on location at FBI Flowers!

As promised- this week- I’m Arranging Gorgeous Flowers on a Mountain Top- with my Flower Friend Jennifer Biddle! Jennifer and I are high atop a Mountain in Vista California- (filmed in April of 2024)… with the most Beautiful Flowers- King and Queen Protea, Leptospermum, Wax Flowers, Sterling Range, Boronia (that will make you weak in the knees)… and much more- from FBI Flowers (Francis Biddle International Flowers) - During our Visit - Jennifer arranged to have the perfect table, selection of flowers- and incredible vases- ready for me to arrange flower into! There’s nothing like arranging flowers in Majestic Locations- and I’ve had the honor and pleasure to do so many times in many places throughout the world… FBI Flowers- Mountain Top- with Jennifer was AMAZING. Jennifer is so kind, knowledgable - and such a wonderful friend… as I state in the video- it’s all about the Beautiful Flowers, The Amazing Location- and ALSO- the LOVE and Kindness of Friends… that sets the stage for the Health and Wellness Benefits of Flowers- to come on FULL STRENGTH! This is yet another Flower Memory that my Crew- captured with perfection… I’m so grateful and thankful - that I can share these visits with you- and we have them as a legacy for years to come! I hope you enjoy- this special visit- with a Very Special Flower Friend- complete with Fantastic Textural Flowers- grown by Frank and George Biddle at FBI Flowers! Enjoy the Video here!


Fragrant Pink Anthurium? YES…at Green Point Nursery!


A Visit to FBI Flowers