Behind the Bloom with Sacred Springs
Sacred Springs- Kombucha Flight- Featuring Two of Kel and My Favorites… Kalmbucha- and Flower of Life… Sound Infused Kombucha- created by Friends Geoff Lamden and Joel Andrus - right here in Grand Rapids Michigan!
One of the things I love about creating “Life in Bloom” for Public Education Television- is the ability to share my Favorite People and my Favorite Places with everyone. Sacred Springs and Geoff Lamden - are two of those Favorites! We featured Sacred Springs- and their owners- Geoff Lamden, and Joel Andrus - (you can learn more about them on their website- - Kel and I happened upon Sacred Springs- Lavender Kombucha at a local lavender festival- many years ago- and then saw their products at our Farmers Market. I can’t tell you how excited we were to find out they had a tap-room- where you can experience their unique Kombucha, Mead, and other sound infused beverages… they also have LIVE Music Events … it’s wonderful. Kel and I are very partial to their Flower of Life, Calm-bucha (My Favorite- it’s a wonderful color and amazing), Thursday Knight, and even their ROOT BEER… Geoff is like me- he’s the outgoing- always ready for anything kind of guy- and Joel is like Kel.. the quiet one- in the background… Our Lives are better- because we have Sacred Springs in our world- and even better because we partake of their remarkable beverages… This Week- I go behind the bloom- and share some footage that didn’t make it into Episode 404- Waltz of the Flowers - Visit to Sacred Springs. Geoff tells us about how Sacred Springs started and shares more behind the scenes info and fun facts!