Happy Holly-daze... from uBloom to YOU!

I Love the Holidays... It's truly is a Magical Time... from the Smell of Pine Sap on my Hands... to the Tiny Pricks from Holly... and Red Carnations... it never loses it's appeal for me... it's part of who I am and Why I Love Flowers So Much!What is so very special is the memories we create with Flowers! The Poinsettia on the Table... or that Special Vase that comes out at Christmas to be filled with Pine, Holly and Pine Cones.I think we hear a lot of the bad stuff... especially with all the unsettled "business" with Order Gathers or Unfair Business practices... but when it all shakes out... and we finally plop down on the sofa... next to the tree with presents nestled underneath...  and a piping hot mug of whatever's your Pleasure... I realize that we're very Much Like Santa!Flowers Bring Joy and Happiness to everyone... Our Flowers Make the Holidays More Special, Significant and Magical!  Long after the Presents have been unwrapped... and the toys have lost their Newness... our Flowers remain... and they Create a memory of Happiness, Comfort and Joy!There's Nothing better than creating with Flowers! Merry Christmas... Flower Friends... You Make the Holidays Happier!  


How to Create an Orchid Centerpiece with Dendrobium Orchids and Orchid Garlands!


Crystal Frost for Christmas!