Vintage Carnation Artifacts

It's always fun to have a collection- and since I have an affinity for Red Carnations- both because I love a Carnation but also because of the rich history of my Grandpa- Carnation Joe- that always wore a Red Carnation- and that history that was carried on my dad for over 50 years... Suffice to say- Red Carnations are an important part of my life.The Red Carnation has always been part of my family history!I didn't realize that Carnations have been featured in Vintage artifacts for decades... and once I started looking for Red Carnation "things"... they started to pop up. One of the first ones was a Carnation Glass... that had Red Carnations on the side- it was actually a novelty that came inside the box of Carnation Evaporated Milk- that was a staple in many kitchens. The symbol for the Carnation company was aptly a Red Carnation. That's how the collection started... and continues today!This frame and Paint by Number are just a part of J's Carnation Collection!I love an antique mall or antique fair... I like to look for things on ebay and etsy too... so I just keep my eyes open for Red Carnation things... that now include Tablecloths, Handkerchiefs, Postcards, Paint by Number Paintings, Pins, Necklaces, Compacts, Brooches, Cuff links, Dinnerware, Teacups, Glasses, Picture Frames, and even a Red Carnation bloom that is suspended in acrylic... (a recent find).A recent find- an actual Red Carnation set into acrylic.I also have "Thank you" notes- that I created that have a Red Carnation... it's just something that has permeated my life- the inside cover of my 2nd award winning book- Bloom 365- has a carnation inside the cover... and I wear a Red Carnation when I give presentations... it's just a wonderful to remember my Grandpa and Dad... and carry on a family tradition. In turn- having the different types of Red Carnation artifacts around... seems somehow reassuring... I like the way they make me feel!This is where the Red Carnation tradition started with my Grandpa Carnation Joe!Maybe your thing isn't Carnations- so you can make it personal- and choose your favorite flower- or your favorite color- and different types of flowers... make it fun- and make it flowers... it's just another way to create your very own Personal Life in Bloom!


Binding Bunches


Akiyama Nursery- Carnation Growing Family!