My Chiropractor- Dr. Adam Van Gessel DC

Dr. Adam Van Gessel- DCI've always believed in Chiropractic Care. My family always believed in Chiropractic- and we went to the Chiropractor - when we had a back ache or stiff neck. In High School- I was on the Swim Team- and my Chiropractor's Son was a team mate- so he would come and give us adjustments- every once in a while - to help with performance... however when I moved away from Fremont Nebraska... I didn't know of one that I could trust...Fast forward- to Michigan- and my Father-In-Law- George Blank. He was having chemo- treatments for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - and his doctor suggested Chiropractic - to help with his condition... he was apprehensive- and had not been to a Chiropractor before- however I encouraged him to give it a try- and if it helped- GOOD! If it didn't he didn't have to go again.Dr. Adam Van Gessel DC stops by the Life in Bloom Studio to arrange flowers with J- and talk about the Health and Wellness Benefits of Flowers and Chiropractic!He decided to give it a try and set up an Appointment with Dr. Daniel Van Gessel DC- (So happens - Dr. V- went to school with my Brother and Sister in Law- and George knew of him. Good Connection! Also Dr. V (and Dr. Adam) is an Activator Chiropractor- rather than twisting or cracking your neck and back- etc... Dr. V uses an Activator Tool- that is a plunger type device- that releases the pressure that builds up around joints and muscles... it's non-invasive- and it helped my Father-In-Law so much. I was so impressed by the help it provided George- I set up an appointment to give it a try myself.Well- Dr. V's Treatments changed my life- I had very interrupted sleep- and back pains for years... I couldn't sleep more than 3 hours with being awakened by Pain. I also suffered from Sciatic Nerve Pain- that sometimes prevented me from standing or getting out of bed... it was awful... to say the least! After a few months of treatments- I was sleeping all night- I was no longer having Sciatic Pain... and my overall health improved dramatically.Using Foliage as a structure and support- J and Dr. Adam create some very-well Adjusted Flower Arrangements on Life in Bloom!So... you're probably wondering how I got to know Dr. Adam Van Gessel DC- (Dr. V's Son)... this is a good story! I hyper-extended by shoulder one day at the grocery store- getting a jug of distilled water... silly- but this small little injury quickly turned into a "frozen shoulder" where the injured muscles start to bind to the bone and literally freezes your should- and prevents movement- and causes a great deal of pain.I was doctoring with Dr. V- and we were discussing the options for Frozen Shoulder- one is intense activator therapy- another is surgery- and still another is going under anesthesia - and have them rip the muscles loose- and then several months of physical therapy. Dr. V is a great guy- and he was trying to help my shoulder but also had become my good friend- and didn't want to hurt me... Unfortunately- you need to inflict some pain to remedy "Frozen Shoulder" and he just didn't have the heart...Enter Dr. Adam! heheh. Dr. V was telling him about my case- and said that he didn't want to hurt me- but also didn't want me to have to undergo surgery or the "tearing and ripping process"... so Dr. Adam said... I don't mind hurting him... let me have a go at it! And that is exactly what happened... Dr. Adam professionally, helpfully, aggressively and CAREFULLY- Cured Me- of Frozen Shoulder!The "Strep Throat" Plant- or Streptocarpella saxorum that Dr. Adam talks about on Life in Bloom!I don't go a day- without Saying THANK YOU to Dr Adam for his Bravery, Skill and Help in making me better... it was nothing short of a miracle in my eyes... and I can do anything and everything- thanks to these two Knowledgeable Doctors of Chiropractic.Dr. Adam also cured my when I lost my sense of smell and taste- following a bout with Influenza A- and an unexpected drug reaction... He 'lasered' my taste buds... because I had GREAT Success with Laser therapy with my frozen shoulder- and AGAIN- SUCCESS... If you've ever lost your sense of smell or taste- it's HORRIBLE... it's worse than frozen shoulder or back pain... Trust me.To this Day- I see Dr. Adam and consider him one of my PRIMARY Physicians - because he sees me frequently and keeps me going - healthy and moving... it's a Match Made in Heaven for me! I'm glad you got to meet him in this fun segment- where we talk Chiropractic and compare the Health and Wellness Benefits of Flowers!Dr Adam drops by the Life in Bloom Studio to arrange flowers and discuss the health and wellness benefits of Flowers and Chiropractic Care!Dr. Adam also introduces us to his Favorite Garden Plant... the "Strep Throat" Plant- he jokes... It's a plant he purchased for his Grandmother for many years and now gets one for his Mother every year as well... The plant is actually called "Streptocarpella Saxorum" - and it's a Beautiful Purple Flower- that is also a Hummingbird Magnet... so a great addition to any garden, porch or balcony!I hope you enjoy meeting Dr. Adam- he's a fun guy- and can't say Enough about his Knowledge and Skill when it comes to Chiropractic Care and my Health and Wellness! Watch Dr. Adam in action on Episode 206- The Garden Contained Here!


Pineapple Basil Cocktail- #FlowerCocktailHour


Episode 206- The Garden- Contained!