Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats- Recipe in Bloom!
Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats- Recipe in Bloom!Making healthy treats for your four-legged friends is easy- and you probably have all the ingredients in your pantry!
Be sure you're using ALL NATURAL Peanut Butter-there are artificial sweeteners in some peanut butterproducts that is dangerous to your Pet!
Ingredients:Whole Wheat Organic FlourCreamy Peanut Butter- Organic or with NO Artificial SweetnersUnsweetened Organic Applesauce or Mashed Ripe BananaOrganic Vegetable, Chicken or Beef StockBone Shaped Cookie Cutter - or whatever shape you want to make!Recipe and Instructions:Preheat oven to 350˚FCombine the following in a large mixing bowl:1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour1/2 Cup Creamy Peanut Butter- I prefer Miss Ella's Natural and Organic Peanut Butter with NO Artificial Sweeteners1/2 cup Unsweetened Organic Applesauce - or 1 Mashed Ripe Banana1/2 Cup Organic Vegetable, Chicken or Beef Stock - I used Beef Stock in this recipe...Stir well until all combined... the dough will be thick!Use your hands to press the dough into a ball- Place dough on a flat surface and sprinkle with flour...Roll out evenly with a rolling pin- Dough should be about 1/4 inch thick...Use a cookie cutter to cut dough into desired shapes- or use a knife and cut into smaller squares- (great for little dogs)...Place on an un-greased cookie sheet- I use parchment paper ALWAYS!
Bake at 18 minutes or until golden brown... Store in an Airtight container.Watch J create these Healthy Dog Treats- on Episode 9- Pets and Flowers - at this Link!