Looking for something special ? Cocktails or Recipes created on J’s shows…
Try #FlowerCocktailHour or #RecipeinBloom - for a list- You get the idea…
Elderberry Syrup- with Taryn Nance from Holistic Joy!
Taryn shares these simple steps- and her expert advice for creating your own delicious elderberry syrup! 4 Simple ingredients create the Elderberry Syrup- Elderberries, Cinnamon Sticks, Fresh Ginger and Cloves
Elderberry Mule- #FlowerCocktailHour
J and Taryn mix cocktails using her Hand Crafted- Elderberry Syrup -You can make your own Elderberry Syrup- or purchase from Taryn's Website-Visit - www.HolisticJoy.net for additional recipes- and other products Taryn hand crafts!
Taryn Nance- Holistic Joy- Elderberry Syrup and Much More!
My Flower Friend Taryn Nance- is in the kitchen- to show us all how to create our own Elderberry Syrup! I purchase Taryn's Elderberry Syrup- and it's part of our daily ritual for the past several years