Looking for something special ? Cocktails or Recipes created on J’s shows…
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Episode #404- Waltz of the Flowers

Episode #404- Waltz of the Flowers

The inspiration for this episode is Music. When I set aside time to relax and enjoy arranging flowers, music is a part of the experience, because it’s about time for me, and what makes me happy. Much research has been done about how plants respond to music, with various conclusions. But what I do know for sure, is that music enhances my own experience while arranging flowers. That’s why we include music in the show - to enhance the experience with flowers. In fact, the music in the show is composed exclusively for Life In Bloom. Today we’ll explore music and flowers including a visit with the composer, musician, and producer, of the show’s music, Ben Scott Brandt.

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Clove Screwdriver - #FlowerCocktailHour

Clove Screwdriver - #FlowerCocktailHour

The fragrance of Stock blossoms reminds me of clove - so what better ingredient to include in our cocktail - thank Clove Bitters! I truly adore Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice- and I love creating it... I purchased a commercial grade Fruit Juice Press- many years ago- and a week doesn't go by- that I'm not pressing out my favorite juice- Orange, Mandarin, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit - just to name a few... Let's Create the Clove Screwdriver- with the Signature Fragrance of Stock- and Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice... and a little vodka!

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