Looking for something special ? Cocktails or Recipes created on J’s shows…
Try #FlowerCocktailHour or #RecipeinBloom - for a list- You get the idea…
Cumulus Arrangement!
Today on At Home with Flowers, I’m creating a BIG cloud like arrangement that resembles a cumulus cloud for my visit with Aaron Ofseyer who is a Meterologist and also a BIG guy! The concept for this arrangement came from a trend report I created a few years ago which featured the trend Cumulus, based on Clouds.
Lavender Bitters Recipe - Lavender Blanc #FlowerCocktailHour
My friend Kim Carson joins me to make lavender bitters the recipe is easy- and takes a little time- so we walk through that process- rather than do it LIVE... the great news is that you NOW have lavender bitters- that are shelf stable- and you can use them to make lots of interesting flower cocktails- or low proof mocktails.
Episode #503- Herbs in Bloom
There’s a great companion to flowers and it’s growing in many gardens right next to the blooms - or should be, at least. I’m talking about Herbs. The large variety of these often fragrant plants prove to be great options for greenery accents in bouquets and arrangements - with the added benefit of fragrance. Mint is a lovely scent in any bouquet. I also grow an abundance of Basil in my gardens and reap the rewards not only for arranging but also to make pesto - to enjoy now and through the winter with frozen portions always at the ready. The perks of blending herbs with flowers are many as we’ll show you in this episode.
"Flowers Grave" - #flowercocktailhour
I loved this recipe so much- that the bartender was kind enough to write it down on a cash register receipt- that I have carried in my wallet ever since... I frequently pull it out when I'm at a bar that has the secret ingredient "Chartruese"... and ask the bartender to make me a "Flowers Grave".
Episode #502 - Great Explorations
J shows us how to escape into the flower world without racking up thousands of mile. We become a flower tourist in J’s home town - Grand Rapids, Michigan; and visit a Japanese Garden & Sculpture Park. Travel to the exotic world of Tiki where J creates an outstanding tropical flower arrangement & visits his friend Anthony Carpenter; a local artist that shares his passion for escaping through his original art. It’s part of the Flower Explorations- we can do right at home!
Underwriters Keep Season 5 of "J Schwanke’s Life in Bloom" - Blooming!
I’m so grateful to the show’s underwriters past and present, their belief in the power of flowers and their underwriting of the production is what makes this possible. Original funders such as CalFlowers, Albertsons Companies, and closed-caption funder Holland America are listed in the credits, so new viewers will know of their support,” concluded Schwanke.
Episode #501 - Innovation in Bloom
Innovation in the world of flowers is our theme for this episode of Life in Bloom. We’ll learn about the different ways new flowers and flowering plants are developed and show some of them off in creative arrangements. Innovation in the world of Flowers is all around us- just waiting to be discovered!
Lemon Mint Mocktail - #FlowerMocktailHour
I grow a great deal of organic mint- and I love it as a cut flower/foliage in my Arrangements- but it's also a wonderful additive to a Not With Alcohol Libation- pairing it with Lemon- will give us a wonderful fresh- thirst quenching- 0-Proof Crafted Flower Inspired Drink: the Lemon Mint Mocktail! Plus it looks great in these wonderful vintage Mid-Century Glasses that are adorned with Fabulous Foliage!
Apple Bourbon Fizz #FlowerCocktailHour
The Autumn Apple Bourbon Fizz – Flower Cocktail RecipeApple Harvests are a sure sign of Autumn, so what better ingredient than apple Butter for this Flower Cocktail Hour…”here’s the recipe for this wonderful Autumn Harvest Flower Cocktail!
Tropical Hibiscus Bourbon Cocktail- #FlowerCocktailHour
My Flower Friend Jenn returns to help me create a Tropical Cocktail- and I’m sporting my Vintage Reyn Spooner Drinking Shirt… it’s a Classic- and I couldn’t resist wearing it for creating the Tropical Hibiscus Bourbon Cocktail.