Looking for something special ? Cocktails or Recipes created on J’s shows…
Try #FlowerCocktailHour or #RecipeinBloom - for a list- You get the idea…
Chicken Quesadilla- #recipeinbloom
Leftovers- are the ultimate- “What goes around- comes around again” story! Let’s take some leftovers and make a delicious quesadilla meal- J makes quesadillas from various leftovers – could mention the different ingredients that could be used – Chicken, Steak, Pulled Pork. Add fresh or leftover vegetables, cilantro (or other seasonings) and cheese.
Hydrangea Cocktail - #flowercocktailhour
The Recipe for the Hydrangea Cocktail has an Apertif as one of the ingredients which is kind of the twist – it’s what makes it a little bit different. This aperitif is based on an infusion of 20 selected roots and herbs highlighting two types of rhubarb root, honeysuckles, rose petals and vanilla.
Lavender Blueberry Spritzer Mocktail - #FlowerCocktailHour
Simple Syrup is basically sugar and water combined and then used to sweeten beverages with alcohol, or even just to add flavor to soda water. Additional ingredients can be added to create different flavors. Today I am making a simple syrup flavor with Lavender and Blueberries.”It’s a perfect way to create a Lavender Blueberry Spritzer mocktail- (a cocktail without any booze)… and you can create simple syrups with many different kinds of herbs or fruits… you can make your own decisions- and try out some new combinations… I hope you enjoy this recipe!
Hummingbird Cocktail- #FlowerCocktailHour
There are many Hummingbird Cocktail Recipes- however I chose this one for my Visit with Donna- where she shared tips for photographing hummingbirds! I hope you enjoy this recipe! I think it might leave you "humming" around the garden- looking for sweet flying birds!
Minty Frozen Dog Treats - #recipeinbloom
“This Minty Frozen dog treat recipe has the added benefit of a fresh scent for you pup’s breath… my sweet pups love them- and it’s an ideal way to cool off and treat your own Patron Saints of Merriment- with an icy flavor-filled bite!